- Enable or Disable Particle Cap? 启用或禁用粒子帽子?
- Enable or disable full-text indexing on a table. 启用或禁用表中的全文索引。
- Enable or disable the Replay directory. 启用或禁用重播目录。
- You are prompted to enable or disable macros. 提示您启用或禁用宏。
- A signal used to enable or disable a circuit function. 一种用来启用或禁止电路功能的信号。
- Specifies whether to enable or disable Clipboard mapping. 指定是否要启用或停用剪贴板映射。
- Specifies whether to enable or disable COM Port mapping. 指定是否要启用或停用COM端口映射。
- Pragma warning may be used to enable or disable certain warnings. pragma warning可用于启用或禁用某些警告。
- In some cases, however, you might need to enable or disable services manually. 然而,在某些情况下,你可能需要手动启用或禁用服务。
- The routing extension failed to enable or disable the inbound routing method. 路由扩展无法启用或停用传入路由方法。
- You can choose whether to enable or disable the macros when you open a file. 您可以选择打开文件时是启用还是禁用宏。
- At the table level you can enable or disable a table for full-text support. 在表级,可以启用或禁用表对全文查询的支持。
- Then the IT infrastructure would configure itself accordingly to enable or disable that access. 然后,IT基础设施就能相应地配置自己,以便实现或不让实现访问。
- Use the radioboxes to enable or disable a particular format for a particular displayer. 使用选项框可以启用或禁用某种特定类型的显示程序支持某种特定格式。
- Then the IT infrastructure would configure itself accordingly to enable or disable that an access. 然后,IT 基础设施就能相应地配置自己,以便实现或不让实现访问。
- In this lesson, you will learn how to enable or disable menus at run time, and also how to create pop-up menus. 在本课中,您将学习如何在运行时启用或禁用菜单,以及如何创建弹出菜单。
- You can enable or disable all the rules in a category by selecting or clearing the check box next to the category name. 通过选中或清除类别名称旁边的复选框,可以启用或禁用该类别中的所有规则。
- You can likewise enable or disable best-fit mapping for platform invoke calls by using the. 字段启用或禁用平台invoke调用的最佳映射。
- Set debug monitor Enable or disable display of communications messages between GDB and the remote monitor. 启用或禁用在GDB和远程监视器之间通讯消息的显示。
- What should I do when a security warning asks if I want to enable or disable an add-in or application extension? 当安全警告询问我是启用还是禁用加载项或应用程序扩展时,我该怎么办?